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Anshel Pfeffer

ByAnshel Pfeffer, In Jerusalem


Threat in the north is the real reason the IDF hasn’t gone into Rafah...yet

Israel is reluctant to commit itself to all-out war on two fronts at the same time

April 3, 2024 10:56
Humanitarian aid is dropped over the Gaza Strip as seen from Al-Shifa hospital after the Israeli military withdrew from the complex housing the hospital on April 1, 2024, amid the ongoing battles Israel and the Hamas militant group. (Photo by AFP) (Photo by -/AFP via Getty Images)
2 min read

There was a mixture of satisfaction and frustration for many of the IDF officers and soldiers involved in the operation that ended on Monday against Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad members holed up in Gaza City’s al-Shifa hospital.

On an immediate operational level, they had succeeded in taking the enemy by surprise, killing dozens of terrorists and taking hundreds prisoner. But especially for those who had taken part in the previous encirclement of al-Shifa four months earlier, there was an annoying feeling of déjà vu.

One officer whom I had met going into Gaza at the start of the ground offensive, by now five months ago, grimaced, then shrugged when he saw me outside al-Shifa on Sunday. “You again? We really have to stop meeting like this,” was the best in black humour that he could come up with.

There is a creeping realisation among even the most determined officers that the objective of “destroying Hamas” may never be reached.