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John Nathan

ByJohn Nathan, John Nathan


Though one guy is stupid, two guys are wise

The election result proves the theory of a very distinguished Jew

May 13, 2010 10:13
2 min read

On the same basis that it is far more acceptable to be disparaging towards Jews if the disparager is Jewish, as a member of the great British public I should be able to say without fear of causing offence (or being accused of bigotry) that it - the great British public (or GBP) - is a bunch of bone-headed ignoramuses.

So stupid is this massive but mentally challenged genus of the human species that BBC producers recently decided that the profession of one of their Master Chef contestants should be referred to on air as "child doctor", presumably to guard against nascent gourmets tracking down the paediatrician and filleting him alive for child abuse. Or maybe the producers thought Master Chef viewers simply too stupid to cope with big words.

Either way, the BBC's decision reveals nothing so much as the fact that its employees are themselves drawn from the GBP. On top of all this, a pre-election television vox pop interviewed voters who were not only undecided, but did not know which party was in power.

Last week, scientists published proof that most members of the British public have an IQ that is slightly less than that of parsley. And the idiocy of public opinion was later confirmed when government spies at GCHQ accidentally knocked out one of the aerials picking up communication signals from the Pakistani Taliban and instead found themselves listening to Vanessa Feltz's radio phone-in show.