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This new Holocaust memorial would be an awful desecration

The new Communities Secretary should intervene to stop the proposed Holocaust Memorial being built next to Parliament. It’s a misguided and impractical idea, in the wrong location

October 7, 2021 17:28
3 min read

Campaigners against the proposed Holocaust memorial and “learning centre”, which is to be built in Victoria Tower Gardens next to the Houses of Parliament, have launched an appeal in the High Court which starts next week. Some may be wondering at this 11th-hour challenge. Isn’t building this centre a done deal? Why are people making all this fuss? Surely such a memorial is a good thing?

To which the answers are: maybe; for very good reason; and no, it is not.

Let’s take these in reverse order.

The site is wholly inappropriate. It’s a much loved, small, green oasis. The proposed centre, with its 23 tall, bronze fins, would be an eyesore. As a tourist attraction, it would be submerged by people and traffic.