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The United Synagogue needs to recruit a Modern Orthodox dayan

The unexpected vacancy at the London Beth Din creates an opportunity to alter its religious balance

March 12, 2019 14:34
The London Beth Din (from left): Dayan Ivan Binstock, Dayan Menachem Gelley and Dayan Shmuel Simons
1 min read

The unexpectedness of Dayan Yonason Abraham’s departure from the London Beth Din, and the brevity of its announcement last week, inevitably sent the rumour mill into overdrive. So feverish was the speculation that one senior rabbi urged colleagues to ask their congregants not to indulge in it over the Shabbat table.

While the Beth Din gave no reason for his exit, it reassured rabbis preparations were under way “to ensure a high-calibre dayan is found to work alongside our other highly respected dayanim”.

What the Beth Din did not say was that the vacancy creates an opportunity. Some people believe the time is long overdue for the religious court of the Chief Rabbi to appoint a dayan from a Modern Orthodox, rather than, Charedi background.

The United Synagogue has always prided itself on its broad religious outlook, its ethos of “inclusivism”, as former Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks defined it. But it has long been governed by a “Charedi Beth Din,” as one United Synagogue rabbi declared not so long ago. The religious balance of the Beth Din tilts to the right.