
The truth about Breaking the Silence

February 18, 2012 18:02
2 min read

Walinets who I consider to be obnoxious for his use of the anti-Semitic trope "Israel Lobby" whom he accuses of controlling US Foreign policy a claim made by leading anti-Semites who he now joins in infamy. My comment was therefore well made despite his own childish attempts to deflect it.
As to his lame responses to my questions regarding "Breaking the Silence" NGO Monitor says the following:
•Breaking the Silence (BtS) “collects testimonies of soldiers who served in the Occupied Territories during the Second Intifada,” claiming that the “testimonies portray a…grim picture of questionable orders in many areas regarding Palestinian civilians [which] demonstrate the depth of corruption which is spreading in the Israeli military…Israeli society continues to turn a blind eye, and to deny that which happens in its name.”
•Direct and indirect government funders in 2010 included European Union (via Yesh Din, NIS 250,975), UK (NIS 528,728), Spain (NIS 1,142,356, including €498,025 for a joint project with ICAHD), joint funds from Switzerland, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark (NIS 61,403); NIS 800,292 in 2011); ICCO (Netherlands, NIS 213,556), Trocaire (Ireland, NIS 114,225); DanChurchAid (Denmark, NIS 126,037), Christian Aid (UK, NIS 162,073).
•The NGO was active in promoting “war crimes” charges against Israel after the Gaza fighting in January 2009. These charges were based on anonymous and unverifiable hearsay “testimonies.”
•Analysis by Amos Harel in Ha’aretz: “Breaking the Silence...has a clear political agenda, and can no longer be classed as a ‘human rights organization.’ Any organization whose website includes the claim by members to expose the ‘corruption which permeates the military system’ is not a neutral observer. The organization has a clear agenda: to expose the consequences of IDF troops serving in the West Bank and Gaza. This seems more of interest to its members than seeking justice for specific injustices.” (July 17, 2009)
•Although claiming to address Israeli society, the NGO’s lobbying and media advocacy focus on international audiences, including presentations in Europe and the United States. Yehuda Shaul, BtS co-founder, defended this practice: “Sometimes, when you want to deliver messages to the inside, you must go outside.”
•BtS members and anti-Israel activists Yonatan and Itamar Shapira were on the “Jews for Justice for Palestinians” boat “Irene,” which sought to violate Israel’s security-based policies regarding naval traffic into Gaza (September 2010).
•Conducts tours to Hebron and the South Hebron Hills to “witness first hand the dire situation.” Criticized by Israeli police officials for “antagoniz[ing]...settlers in the hope that the settlers will attack them.”
For his information there never was a country called Palestine thus his repetition of the baseless claim "the perceived take-over of their country is a key factor" is plainly false - the "Palestinians" even though they were not called that in 1947 were given the opportunity by the UN to have a country they turned it down on the basis that they wanted all or nothing - they are even now after 60 years of bloodshed regretting that decision.