
The trashing of Jonathan Sacks is a trashing of all Jews

On antisemitism, Lord Sacks speaks for all but a tiny minority of Jews, says David Hirsh

August 29, 2018 19:09
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, pictured in 2016
1 min read

I feel that there's something humiliating for all Jews about the trashing of Rabbi Sacks.

I thought of starting with some left-cred throat-clearing about ways in which I'm critical of him. But I'm done with that nowadays.

On the issue of Corbyn and antisemitism he speaks for Jews; except for the tiny minority who are prepared, under antisemitic duress, to declare their disavowal of Israel and Zionism and hence escape the hostile and external designation of "Zionist" - meaning racist, pro-apartheid etc.

Some will say that he exaggerated a bit and others will say he wasn't tactically astute. Actually I don't agree with either of these criticisms but, I don't think they matter. If he had expressed himself more conservatively it would have changed nothing.

The trashing of Sacks is a trashing of us all; Just as the trashing of Israel is a trashing of us all. Trashing is not criticism. It is trashing.

Jonathan Sacks is a learned and serious man. His book was titled "The Dignity of Difference". He's not an extremist.

And he was a figurehead of the Jewish community in Britain.

Sacks is a real rabbi; Corbyn is a fake spiritual leader. A rabbi isn’t holy and a rabbi isn’t perfect, a rabbi is a learned person and a teacher. But there is a touch of the holy man about Corbyn; the personality cult; the saviour in danger of crucifixion.

Sacks is not a racist; Corbyn does license, legitimise and ally with racism.

We treat the Corbynite chant of "Our rabbi's less racist than your rabbi!" with contempt.

As a Jew, I feel that the attack on Rabbi Sacks is an attack on me.