Oh dear, oh dear, am I really this weak willed?
I've stuck to my guns and ignored him. I've heeded the advice of others that reporting his latest idiocy is too much like shooting fish in a barrel. But really, this is too good not to share with you.
I am, of course - how could it be otherwise? - referring to the ethnic cleanser's bestest friend, Neil Clark.
Mr Clark appears from his blog to believe that Oliver Kamm and I are engaged in some kind of conspiracy to deny him work. Oliver, he says, criminally harasses him (I can't recall whether I am also supposedly guilty of this - and to be honest I can't be bothered to trawl his sire to check). Anyway, that's the context - plus the fact that he issued a libel writ against Oliver, which was quite hilarious in its ineptitude).
The latest episode, though, is spectacular even by Mr Clark's standards. He called the police to report Oliver for this crime (jocular as this post is, the crime of which Oliver stands accused by, er, Neil Clark, is not jocular at all).
Reader, reader. I implore you to read Oliver's accounts - first here, then here. I do so not because Mr Clark is a serious figure worthy of a second of your time, but because the story which Oliver relates is almost Dostoevskian in its sweep and emotional impact (actually it isn't remotely so; I just couldn't resist the idea of linking Neil Clark and Dostoevsky in a post).
One final thought. Mr Clark has a piece in this week's Spectator on Fidel Castro (clear evidence, obviously, of my conspiracy to deny him work). As it happens, I think his piece is spot on: The totalitarian nature of Castro