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The night we had dinner with RBG

Sue Fox recalls an unexpected evening

September 25, 2020 10:14
Ruth Bader Ginsburg:great company
4 min read

The  very sad news that Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died  was  summed up in an email from a friend in Minneappolis  - 'Cry Our Beloved Country.  We have lost our moral compass.'

Years ago, in a New York hotel bedroom, the Cspan channel was on.        

I was riveted by a tiny woman I had never heard of adressing the  New York  Women's Bar Association.  The speaker was Ruth Bader Ginsburg.   She was mesmerising. Thinking she would be a wonderful interviewee for  A Life in the Day, or one of the other columns I regularly wrote for The Sunday Times and The Times, I jotted down her name  on the hotel notepad.

A few years later the Jewish Policy Review organised a reception  in London. It was to follow a lecture given by Ruth Bader Ginsburg at Chatham House.  She would be talking about Jewish justice in relation to the great American advocates such as  Brandeis, Cordoza and Frankfurter.