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The latest intellectual detail

October 3, 2011 10:47
2 min read

Kiev: The Sunday afternoon sun shines down on the ravine at Babi Yar. Seventy years ago on 29 September 1941, 33,000 Jews were killed in one day. 100,000 were shot at Babi Yar, the biggest single killing in what is known as the "Shoah by Bullets". Now MPs from different countries assemble to ensure that Babi Yar is not forgotten.

Fifty years ago, the Russian poet, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, wrote his famous poem with the name of the first great Holocaust massacre. In 1961, Yevtushenko expressed in the poem what must have seemed then a reasonable hope:

When for all time, is buried and forgotten

The last of antisemites on this earth.