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The Israel trade bonanza we could enjoy

UK-Israel trade could be worth billions more, if we build on the potential, writes Henry Newman of Open Europe

April 26, 2017 16:58
Port of Ashkelon
5 min read

This week Open Europe has published Global Britain, which argues that deepening the UK’s trade exports with Israel in both goods and services should be a top priority for our country.

Whatever government is formed after June 9th will need to have an effective plan for Brexit. As a member of the European Union, UK’s trade and commercial policy has been made in Brussels for over four decades. In two years’ time we will be able to shape our own future. Why does this matter? Because trade and commerce help spread prosperity and wealth in our economy. 

But where should the focus be? Some will suggest that we should look to the USA or Japan – major, developed economies with which the EU has failed to sign a Free Trade Agreement. Others argue that it is all about the emerging economies in Latin America or South East Asia, perhaps Brazil, Indonesia or Vietnam. Or that we must concentrate on what some have (rather offensively) termed Empire 2.0.

At Open Europe we thought it would be useful to model the UK’s trade and, more importantly, to project how it’s likely to look by 2030. The government needs to plan today for the world of tomorrow. The new Department for International Trade cannot do everything at once. They need a list of their top priorities for developing new trade links, and deepening existing ones.