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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


The Israel reporting we have seen on TV is far worse than Gary Lineker’s tweets

There have been few more appalling examples than Sky News’ International Affairs Editor, Dominic Waghorn

November 30, 2023 14:44
3 min read

Much anger has been directed, quite rightly, at Gary Lineker’s behaviour since the October 7 massacre. While he has not said a word about the Israeli victims, he has defended the “Free Palestine” marches in London and endorsed a video accusing Israel of “classic genocide”.

Lineker is an easy figure to ridicule, and his enormous social media following means it’s important to counter his ignorance. But in the scheme of things, he’s just a football pundit.

Far more insidious, however, has been the reporting of many supposed journalistic experts, correspondents in Gaza, world affairs specialists and senior reporters. These are the people whose words are supposedly informed and reliable, who are not gobby attention-seekers but skilfully cool, dispassionate observers. And while many have been just that, the roll call of those who have, in effect if not intention, acted as Hamas’s PR men — as their useful idiots, to use Lenin’s phrase — is shamefully long.

You hardly need me to point out that much of the BBC’s coverage has been grotesque in its readiness to portray Israel as the villain. It took weeks, for example, for the corporation to refer to Hamas as a terrorist organisation, and even now it always adds the caveat that the label is merely the designation of the British government.