For the racist Labour leader to lead a protest against Donald Trump is shocking in its cynical hypocrisy
June 4, 2019 09:43It’s certainly an interesting idea. This morning, Jeremy Corbyn and members of his Shadow Cabinet – including shadow home secretary Diane Abbott - are going to protest against themselves.
Mr Corbyn is to speak at a rally in Trafalgar Square, protesting about a leader who, according to shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry – who will also be there – is a racist who presides over a culture in which sexual assault is covered up. As she puts it, the leader’s “words and his conduct betray him as a racist”.
With Mr Corbyn as the lead speaker, it seems that he is going to apologise for his racism and take action.
And with his supporters alongside him, it seems Labour MPs have had enough of being led by a racist.
My apologies. Scrap that. I appear to have got the wrong end of the stick.
The Leader of the Labour Party is indeed a racist – an antisemite who leads a party so institutionally racist that it is now under statutory investigation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission. But Labour’s racist-in-chief will not be apologising for his own racism. Britain’s leading racist is going to be protesting about Donald Trump.
Self-awareness, where art thou?
There is a word for Mr Corbyn and the lackeys alongside him in Trafalgar Square: hypocrites.
They couldn’t give a damn about their own party leader’s antisemitism. While they scream at President Trump this morning, they have done precisely nothing about their own party leader, the most notorious racist in Britain. Jeremy Corbyn leads a party which drives out Jews and which regards antisemitism as a core left wing belief. And yet he has the sheer gall to lead a protest against Donald Trump’s racism. And his front benchers carry on serving him, campaigning to make him prime minister.
Not that the hypocrisy stops at Mr Corbyn’s racism.
Ms Thornberry says that she is protesting against President Trump as a “racist and a sexual predator”. Once again, she is wilfully and hypocritically ignoring her own party’s record.
This weekend we learned that Jeremy Corbyn’s office acted to stop the suspension of David Prescott, a close aide to the Labour leader and son of the party’s former deputy leader.
When a female Labour MP complained directly to Mr Corbyn that she had been harassed by Mr Prescott, as well as reporting that the aide had been "forceful and aggressive" to two Labour students who refused to sleep with him, the response was to treat her with utter contempt, with Mr Corbyn’s chief of staff overruling party officials who recommended that Mr Prescott was suspended.
Ms Thornberry has to date uttered not a word about this appalling incident in which Mr Corbyn is deeply complicit, having heard the original complaint. And now she is standing alongside her party leader protesting at Donald Trump’s misogyny but happy simply to ignore her own party leader’s record.
It seems that sexual assault is a useful tool to be used to attack a US president but is not of the slightest concern when it is covered up by the Labour leadership.
There is no sewer too deep for the Corbynites to plunge into. If that means protesting against a US president as a racist sexual predator at the same time as campaigning for a racist Labour leader, whose office covers up alleged sexual assault, to be prime minister, so be it.