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The existence of Israel is the strongest affirmation of Never Again

The March of the Living reminds us of our continent's terrible history

May 5, 2022 16:05
Steve McCabe
2 min read

Standing in the former synagogue in the rural Polish town of Dabrowa Tarnowska, it is difficult to imagine that this town once had a population that was more than eighty percent Jewish.

Indeed, for a thousand years before 1939, Poland was the great heartland of Jewish life. Taking part in the March of the Living last week was an incredible insight into the richness and complexity of the millennium of Jewish history in Poland that preceded the Holocaust.

From the brutalist monuments for the Warsaw Ghetto to modern Krakow’s thriving Jewish Cultural Centre, and from picturesque medieval synagogues to the horrifying scale of Auschwitz-Birkenau, it is impossible not to be affected by the March of the Living experience.

To be confronted by the sites of so much death must surely push us all to learn from our continent’s tragic history, to challenge those who seek to demonise entire communities, and instil in us a resolve never to forget the memory of the murdered millions.

