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Melanie Phillips

ByMelanie Phillips, Melanie Phillips


The demonisation of Israel has destabilised British politics

The insanity in Britain over Israel has metastasised into parliamentary meltdown

February 23, 2024 10:26
The Gaza rally outside Parliament (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
5 min read

(JNS) When Queen Elizabeth II died, people mourned not only the loss of a beloved and admirable monarch but what they believed was the passing of the beloved and admirable Britain that she had embodied.

The country now seems to be going out of its way to slide off the edge of the steadily crumbling civilisational cliff. And the Queen’s own grandson has joined the lemming-like throng.

Earlier this week, Prince William said he wanted to see an end to the fighting in Gaza as soon as possible because “too many have been killed”.

The death of civilians in war is always a tragedy. But the Prince of Wales didn’t say how many was “too many” in this most just of wars against genocide. Nor did he acknowledge the many Hamas terrorists among the number that he deemed excessive.