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The Board of Deputies hustings - an inadvertently comic evening

From leadership to antisemitism to Israel, the evening was surprisingly entertaining

May 11, 2018 09:32
3 min read

If you’ve ever been to a political hustings, you’ll know that what it is, essentially, is one large public job interview for multiple applicants. Each attempts to demonstrate their eminent suitability for the role, while attempting to imply, with greater or lesser subtlety, that the other candidates are inferior choices.

The Board of Deputies hustings at JW3 in North-West London on Tuesday night, was no different. Edwin Shuker, Marie van der Zyl, Sheila Gewolb and Simon Hochhauser all want to be president of the Board. There were around 150 people in the audience, which was overwhelmingly… non-young. It was quite surreal listening to all four candidates talk about the need for more youth participation in the Board when not a single one of the people talking was under the age of 50.

To my surprise, the evening was far more entertaining than I had expected.

“Don’t vote for me if you want a president who will tell you what you want to hear,” Mr Shuker said, telling the audience exactly what they wanted to hear.