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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


The BBC isn't interested in what actually happened

June 27, 2007 24:00
1 min read

I always seem to be away on seismic days in British politics. I managed to watch PMQs - at least until the BBC decided that the end of the career of the most successful British politician in history was not as important as some bloody tennis. Tennis!

I'm watching the news online now, and am utterly perplexed at the BBC's decision - yes, them again - to devote so much of the Ten O'Clock News not to detailed reporting of what happened today but to a focus group on the relative electoral strengths of Messrs Brown and Cameron. How about actually telling us what the story was today, eh? Or is that too prosaic for the sophisticates who edit BBC news?

I was going to report to you a story I'd been given about the new Health Secretary from a usually very well informed source. Baroness Neuberger, I was told. It's a good job I couldn't; it's Alan Johnson, apparently. Still, we can all rejoice that we won't have to listen to Patricia Hewitt patronising us again.