ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard
It seems Rowan Williams is more self-aware than we may have given him credit for, judging by this headline on his Guardian piece: It's adults, not young people, who are a public menace. Indeed you are, Archbishop.
As for the piece itself...if you though his thoughts on sharia showed how he lives in another world, this one is just as bizarre. Here's what one of the commenters writes: Yesterday after a hard morning's toil at the allotment I stopped to pass the time of day with a like-minded artisan. We discussed a recent killing in our village of a middle- aged man who was confronted by four young people early on New Year's morning. In the ensuing scuffle the man fell over and banged his head on the kerb. The four young people are out on bail. The widow is frightened to return to her work in a garage because these splendid examples of Britain's youth have made it clear that they will make her life a misery if she as much as shows her face.
Nor is this an isolated example.I rarely venture forth after dark because it is quite apparent that gangs of young people seem to be roaming the streets unchecked. I live not in an urban wilderness, but in pleasant seaside hamlet which has a new village green with goalposts and other facilities. There is a football club with adjacent premises where young people can congregate and make as much noise as they like. There is tennis club supported by local business men. A cricket club is there for all to use. We have youth clubs belonging to the four churches in the village. Within two miles radius there are three parks. I could go on, but no doubt you have the picture.
The problem lies not with adult behaviour toward young people but rather with the attitude of our legislators who have nurtured successive generations that believe they can do anything they like without check or hindrance because quite honestly that is what they do day after day.
My fellow allotment holder is an ex-seaman who is used to violence. He carries a hammer with him which he says he will use if confronted. At a guess I would put his age over seventy.
Now that is what we have come down to in my village.
In my opinion Archbishop there is something very seriously wrong for which you and those like you should bear responsiblity.