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Tasting new treats post lockdown

There's a lot of fressing to be done - if we want to help our kosher caterers and restaurants stay in business.

August 9, 2020 22:29
2 min read

I've just returned from a ten days on the Sussex coast - more on that in a later post. Just before I left, I was treated to a bikini-busting fress.

Kosher caterer, Ben Tenenblat, whose food is normally reserved for high-end simchas, has diversified to stay afloat during, what has to be, an annus horribilis for him and his competitors. All of them have needed to find other ways of feeding the community while Covid-19 restrictions prevent us from celebrating in large numbers. 

Tenenblat already has a website offering frozen meals - which I tasted a couple of months ago and which were superb - proper gourmet food to heat at home. As lockdown has eased a little, he has been able to offer dinner party deliveries for the (now permitted) small groups meeting at a social distance. 

In early August, he launched his Crave London street food truck, and had invited me to road test it.