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Students, here’s what to say to campus ‘anti-Zionists’

Howard Jacobson offers young people at university his guide on how to counter Jew hate

April 21, 2022 10:38
12 min read

Dear fresher,

It’s customary to begin an Induction Address by congratulating you on the hard work that has got you here and expressing the hope that the next however many years will exceed your expectations.

I would like to add the wish that you not be distracted from your studies or made to feel unwelcome or uneasy in this place of disinterested learning by depictions of Jewishness, which you, as a Jew, will find hard to recognise, let alone share.

To that end, I offer some words of practical advice that I hope will prove useful in answering awkward questions, correcting misconceptions, and otherwise setting the record straight. Who knows? It’s possible they will even make you feel a bit better about yourself.