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Something of a shock........!

January 21, 2011 11:53
2 min read

This week has seen the publication of further details of the government’s plans to restructure/reorganise the National Health Service. We hear that the depth and breadth of this proposed restructure has come as something of a shock not only to many people who voted for the Conservative Party but also some of its MPs. The change being proposed is radical, far reaching and not totally thought through!

It seems that it is almost obligatory for a new government coming in to power to talk about changing the structure of the National Health Service!
We have experienced many such changes and upheavals in the past – sometimes a new change is embarked upon before the last one is even embedded in. For people working in the health service there must be an overwhelming sense of de-ja-vu.

The target this time is what is seen as an unnecessary level of bureaucracy. For Primary Care Trusts and the Strategic Health Authorities there is a suggestion that all management, administration and bureaucracy is bad and that we don’t need these stratum of management.

Although one can see the political value of announcing vast efficiency savings – in this case approaching £2bn per annum, then of course all of this money can be spent on direct care, though one has to wonder will it be? How will it impact on waiting times and the quality of service both in primary care and in more specialist services?