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Steven Berkoff

BySteven Berkoff, Steven Berkoff


Somehow, we are all tainted by the atrocity

January 22, 2015 13:19
Terror: A Paris police officer stands guard outside a Jewish market
2 min read

One of my joys of working in Paris was visiting the legendary Jewish Goldenberg deli in the Rue De Rosiers. The thing about Jewish delis is that, no matter where you are in the world, they make you feel not only that you are at home but also that you belong to a unique brotherhood of mankind.

The restaurant was warm-hearted, charming, even healing. It was bombed in 1982, when six customers were killed. However, it survived, was rebuilt and continued until 2007 when rising costs obliged this wonderful institution to close its doors and the creeping and pernicious disease of "fashion" took over.

That was a sad day. The Jewish race has spread throughout the world adding its culture, its special food, its zesty music and, not least, its idiosyncratic humour.

The horror of the disgusting murders in Paris is a reminder of some unpalatable facts. One is that no matter how entrenched in our relative societies, Jews will be sought out as scapegoats for every act that offends the host country. Whether it be the blood libel charge that began in England in the 12th century or faked plots of world domination. The last and most pernicious scapegoating is towards the creation of the state of Israel.