
Some of the best responses to Jeremy Corbyn's racist comments about 'Zionists'

Jews have been tweeting their thoughts on Jeremy Corbyn description of British 'Zionists'

August 24, 2018 11:57
Corbyn 2017.JPG
2 min read

Yesterday, a video of Jeremy Corbyn speaking in 2013 made its way back into the public's consciousness. 

It was a speech to the Palestinian Return Council. And so, naturally, Jeremy Corbyn thought it might be a good idea to have a little dig at "Zionists". 

The problem was that it wasn't just a little dig. It was racist. Full-on racist.

Here's what he said about a group of British "Zionists":

“They clearly have two problems. One is they don't want to study history, and secondly, having lived in this country for a very long time, probably all their lives, they don't understand English irony either.'

We've written elsewhere why that was racist. And since those comments came to light, Jews have been expressing their own thoughts on the matter.

We've put together some of the best tweets, so you can judge for yourselves whether "Zionists" - or "Jews" - have any trouble understanding "English irony."

1) The Linguist


2) Jeremy Corbyn, British Zionist


3) Irony Cross


4) Jeremy Corbyn, renowned comedy expert


5) "Cheers"


6) He's "been on a journey"


7) "Who you gonna call?" (from our very own Daniel Sugarman)


Well, there you have it.

Jeremy Corbyn's office have responded to the anger over his comments, with the following statement:

"Jeremy is totally opposed to all forms of antisemitism and is determined to drive it out from society. At this event, he was referring to a group of pro-Israel activists misunderstanding and then criticising the Palestinian Ambassador for a speech at a separate event about the occupation of the West Bank."

So, no apology or acknowledgement he said anything wrong, then. I don't know about you, but I feel better already!