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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


Some facts on investment

June 21, 2007 24:00
1 min read

Anatole Kaletsky is full of sense - and facts - on the ridiculous fuss being made over private equity at the moment:

The largest study of British private equity deals, published late last year by the Centre for Management BuyOut Research at Nottingham University Business School, showed that employment had risen by 21 per cent on average after four years, although it did dip typically by 5 per cent in the first year after a buyout. It also showed that productivity almost doubled in this period and that product innovation and investment increased.

Embarrassingly for the trade union campaigners, the Nottingham study “found higher levels of employment, employee empowerment and wages” after these deals. To put it another way, private equity deals have turned out, on the whole, to be not very different from many other restructurings performed on sleepy British businesses since Margaret Thatcher launched her privatisation programme. All these restructurings, going right back to British Telecom in 1985, were opposed by the unions and initially by most employees, but in the end many of them produced not only more profitable companies, but also in many cases better working conditions and higher wages for the employees who remained.