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Solidarity forever

March 9, 2009 08:21
2 min read

One of the outstanding features of the success at the Battle of Cable Street in 1936, when East Enders, Jew and non-Jew, united to block the streets to Mosley's fascists, was the solidarity between Jewish and Irish workers.

When Jewish immigrants settled in Whitechapel from the 1880s they lived cheek by jowl with the Irish who had been emigrating to London from Ireland throughout the 19th century but especially in the 1840s, when they were struck by the potato famine. Many of the impoverished Irish who came to London settled in the East End and over time the East End became a patchwork of Jewish and Irish areas. As the Jewish settlement concentrated around Spitalfields and Aldgate, the Irish settlement concentrated further East and further south around Bow, Mile End and Limehouse, closer to the docks where many of them worked.

for both communities, life was a struggle and a certain mutual suspicion and hostility developed, but one of the places that there was great solidarity between them was through the trade union movement. In 1889 and 1912 when Irish doickers and jewish tailors were on long and bitter strikes against their employers, they joined forces for trade union rallies, and raised support funds for each other's struggles.

And when, in 1936 the police tied to force a way through Cables Street for Mosley's fascists, Irish dockers marched down from the far end of Cable street armed with pick-axe handles to lift paving stones to help build the barricades with the Jews at the near end of Cable Street.