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Daniel Sugarman

ByDaniel Sugarman, Daniel Sugarman


So, is it Chanucah, Chanukah or Hanukkah?

Just how do you spell the name of the festival of lights?

November 30, 2017 12:58
1 min read

Chanukah is just around the corner.

Except that it isn’t, apparently. No, I am reliably informed that what is almost upon us is actually Chanuca. Or Hanukkah. Or even (God help us) Chanuqah.

No other Jewish holiday, it seems, is subjected to so many different interpretations of its name. Pesach, Shavuot, Succot — these are all straightforward, subject to at most one or two variations. But when it comes to spelling out the name of the festival of lights, there seem to be more options than there are branches of the Chanukiah. Or should that be Hannukkiya?

It feels, however, as if we can discount the options that begin with an “h” rather than a “ch”. After all, in Hebrew the word begins with the letter “ח”, pronounced in the same way as the Spanish “j”, a guttural sound from the back of the throat. Similarly, as it ends with the letter “ה”, it should also end with the English equivalent, an “h”.