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Josh Glancy

ByJosh Glancy, Josh Glancy


Snubbing Rabin’s memory is an AOC own goal

'AOC’s stance is reminiscent of those taken by another great friend of the Palestinians, one Jeremy Corbyn'

October 1, 2020 12:21
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
3 min read

Do you remember where you were when you heard that Yitzhak Rabin had been killed? I do. It was a dark evening in November, 25 years ago next month. My father was driving our family home along Kingsley Way in north London when the news came on the radio. Visibly shaken, he had to stop the car. I was only eight at the time, but the memory remains visceral. It was one of those rare moments in life when you know instantly that something vital has been lost.

Was Rabin a saint? Far from it. He played a key role in every Arab catastrophe of his lifetime, from the expulsions of 1948 to the decimation of 1967. He authorised brutal IDF forays into Lebanon, cooperated with the apartheid regime in South Africa and became known as the “bone breaker” during the first Palestinian intifada. It was not a compliment.

All this Rabin did. And yet without him, who knows what might have befallen Israel? He kept the Jews of the holy city alive during the 1948 siege of Jerusalem and guided Israel to victory in 1967, when defeat would have meant annihilation. He paved the way for peace with Egypt, ordered the Entebbe raid, signed the Oslo accords and made peace with Jordan.

Rabin was a villain. Rabin was a hero. Ultimately, Rabin was a great man of his times who had the tenacity, grit and fortitude required to mould a nation from the driest of desert clay.