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Shame on those of our leaders who back Chavez

Isi Leibler: "The World Jewish Congress is legitimising an antisemitic tyrant."

August 21, 2008 14:53
2 min read

World Jewish Congress officials lost the plot when they called a recent meeting with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez "successful", saying that he had joined the struggle against antisemitism.

Chavez must have been delighted to hear WJC secretary-general Michael Schneider tell the media that "when it comes to antisemites, we are on the same page". His assertion that "Chavez was certainly not an antisemite" was based only on Chavez's assurances. Beyond announcing that his ambassador to Israel, who had been recalled during the Lebanon war, would resume his duties, the Venezuelan tyrant has yet to display any meaningful initiative to reverse his longstanding hostility to the Jewish people.

To his credit, WJC president Ronald Lauder was more circumspect and declined to comment. But Schneider and his colleagues ignored the fact that this wretched man, Chavez, has become the most loathsome antisemitic head of state outside the Muslim world.

In a Christmas speech, he alleged that "the descendants of those who crucified Christ control the world's wealth". Chavez describes President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as "a fighter for just causes", a "brother" and a "revolutionary". He boasts of his close ties with President Bashar Assad of Syria, and enthusiastically provides a haven in Venezuela for Hizbollah terrorists; he described the Second Lebanon War as a "new Holocaust" comparable to Hitler's actions against the Jews.