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Secret Shulgoer No 39: South Hampstead Synagogue

A £4m new look and bowls of cholent

December 30, 2019 10:39
3 min read

Denomination: United Synagogue (Orthodox)  
Rabbi: Rabbi Shlomo Levin, Rabbi Eli Levin, Rabbi Shlomo Odze
Size of Community: 500-750 member households

South Hampstead Synagogue is, according to its website, “More than just a SHul”, with SHul spelled with capital SH to highlight South Hampstead’s initials. I imagine that whoever came up with that idea was mighty pleased with themselves, although, if I’m being picky, the strap-line that follows: “A vibrant, growing modern orthodox Jewish community in metropolitan London with a reputation for warmth, humour, informality, innovation and a non-judgemental approach” is not exactly the catchiest I’ve ever come across. Indeed, it’s a while since I’ve read anything that screams ‘wording agreed via committee’ quite so loudly.

But, on its claim to be ‘more than just a SHul’, I’m prepared to give South Hampstead the benefit of the doubt, not least because whatever virtual promises it makes online, the synagogue more than matches in bricks and mortar. Oh, the bricks and mortar of South Hampstead Synagogue!