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Secret Shulgoer No 38: Belsize Square Synagogue

A fantastic kiddush - but did our spy pick the wrong week to visit?

November 7, 2019 15:42
3 min read

Name of Synagogue: Belsize Square Synagogue
Address: 51 Belsize Square, London NW3 4HX
Denomination: Independent
Rabbi: Rabbi Stuart Altshuler, Cantor Dr Paul Heller, Rabbi Rodney Mariner
Size of Community: 100-199 member households

Every year, as the cycle of weekly Torah portions comes to an end, I find myself reading the story of Moses’s death with almost inconsolable sadness. That might sound melodramatic, but I’ve been somewhat obsessed with our famous ancestor ever since I was forced to watch all six episodes of Moses the Law Giver, at just five years old. Family legend has it that, when the final episode aired, and Burt Lancaster began his fatal ascent up Mount Nebo, I hid behind the sofa and refused to come out, explaining to my bemused parents that “I can’t bear to watch Moses die”.

Even at that tender age, I understood the unbearable unfairness of it all. There he was, faithfully leading his ungrateful flock for 40 years and, then, just as they reach the border of the Promised Land, he dies. And in a cruel concluding plot-twist, God lets Moses climb a mountain to view the land he’ll never set foot in. Like some divine Jim Bowen, God shows Moses what he could have won.