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Daniel Finkelstein

ByDaniel Finkelstein, Daniel Finkelstein


Science and religion: we don’t control the facts

June 28, 2013 10:00
2 min read

When I last visited my doctor’s surgery I saw a big sign on the wall with the figure 79 in large bright red letters. This, the sign said, was the number of patients who had failed to attend appointments in the past week and not told the doctor. As I explained to readers of The Times later the same week, this sign is a mistake. Announcing that lots of people miss their appointments merely encourages even more people to do so. There are any number of social psychology experiments that confirm this assertion.

But the big question is why? Last week, for instance, a study on clapping was published that showed that applause was contagious. The length of clapping related to other people’s clapping rather than the quality of the performance. Why?

Over the past 30 years we have learned a huge amount about social behaviour. Some of it has been made possible by technology — brain scans and so forth — but much is because of an intellectual leap. We have begun to take Darwin’s theory of evolution seriously. We have, of course, long understood its importance in explaining animal behaviour, but it took us a while to appreciate properly that this meant us too. That we are best viewed as animals.

Thus, for instance, one reason we copy each other is to because we have learned that this is a good survival technique. And it also helps to establish groups that we can trust. By spotting others who behave like us we are able to make a quick judgment about who will reciprocate our favours.