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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


Reveal more of yourself, Boris

April 24, 2008 24:00
1 min read

A friend who has been working on the Boris campaign tells me this story from the Back Boris Call Centre in Holborn other night, which was apparently manned by "a shoestring number of Tory boys fromn CCHQ and random - very random - volunteers.

At one point, a Boris caller was heard heckling a 90-something invalid old lady about the need to register for a proxy vote by (yesterday) 23rd of April. Not recognising the names of any of the candidates the caller read out to her, the sparky old dear mentioned she was plumping for the dashing candidate with the "floppy white hair".

The Boris worker flicked on speaker phone to his fellow workers who were in tears of laughter in time for the dear lady to chide: "He's gorgeous, and I'd like to see more of him..."