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Julie Burchill

ByJulie Burchill, Julie Burchill


Reasons why Muslims are not 'the new Jews'

February 18, 2016 12:22
Muslims taking part at the first ever congregational Friday prayer session in Westminster's Parliament Square last October
5 min read

In 2006, the Sunday Times columnist India Knight wrote a piece arguing that Muslims are "the new Jews", in which she attacked Jack Straw for asking female Muslim constituents consulting him at his Blackburn surgery to consider uncovering their noses and mouths in order to allow better communication. (I use the word "attacked" loosely; if, as Denis Healey said, being dissed by Geoffrey Howe was like "being savaged by a dead sheep" then being attacked by Knight is akin to being traduced by a twice-used tea-bag.)

A decade later, so many sad souls have clambered aboard this ship of fools that it's a wonder it stays afloat, so extreme is the level of dysentery masquerading as discourse which issues from it. Most recently, Holocaust Memorial Day was used by Islamists and their grisly groupies as the opening steps to a danse macabre of what-aboutery, comparing the Kindertransport to the current influx of refugees from the Muslim world and implying that if we do not welcome them all to our shores with open arms, we are as bad as the Nazis.

But those who make such hysterical comparisons are, in my view, the silly led by the sinister, as the Sainted Hitchens once dismissed the Not In My Name mob.

How are Muslims not the New Jews? Let me count the ways.