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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


Racism, Obama and Hannan

September 18, 2009 13:20
2 min read

The New Statesman has a very annoying blogger, James Macintyre - annoying because he is entirely partisan and so never says anything interesting. Anything or anyone Conservative is racist, evil, blah blah blah and any member of the Labour Cabinet is sagacious, decent, etc. I have him on my RSS feeds because - yes, I am a bit odd - I like to get annoyed every so often, and Macintyre annoys me because he is the very antithesis of good political blogging.

But today he has a post which is so hilariously, full-on, smash it out of the park, beyond all reason that I sort of feel sorry for him. And of the 17 comments posted by his New Statesman blog readers at the moment, only one supports him - and that's from a fellow NS writer.

He writes:

I believe the Conservative Party is institutionally racist. I always
have done. I have witnessed too many "jokes" or sideways looks when
talking about immigration with Tories -- and done too much research
into racism in the party over the years -- to think otherwise. But many
would disagree.