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Purim - The Real Story

February 7, 2010 23:11
3 min read

There is a strange halacha that one should become drunk on Purim so much so as not to know the difference between ‘Blessed is Mordechai’ and ‘Cursed is Haman’. However it is widely known – and experienced - that this level of drunkenness is fairly extreme. Furthermore, we are also expected to pray the ma’ariv service after the Purim meal and how can we do this if we are 'commanded' to be so drunk?

In order to unravel this mystery we need to understand the message of the Purim story. Let’s analyse the various characters and groups involved in the Purim story and ask whether the following question: did they get the message? Did they know what was actually going on in this intriguing tale? Let’s see…

Achashverosh: One of the storylines in the Megilla is how the king in the Purim story appears to wield control but in reality, does not. Achashverosh never makes decisions without consulting his ministers, be it Haman or later, Mordechai. He is happy to let a foreigner, Haman the Agagite, to run the country and is seemingly shocked when Esther reveals to him that Haman was plotting to kill the Jews – you’d think he’d know!

Esther: The turning point of the Megilla is when Mordechai tries to convince Esther to save the Jews once Haman’s decree became public. This dialogue in Chapter 4 is very interesting because Esther appears not to be overly bothered with saving the Jewish people. After Mordechai informs her of all the events – just in case those in the palace didn’t know – she still makes excuses for not doing anything i.e. that she would die if she approached the King. Although she is eventually persuaded, at first she didn’t know what was going on.