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ByJessica Elgot, Jessica Elgot


Potty for poetry

July 13, 2009 15:51
1 min read

Ok, yes this is my second Harry Potter related post in my very short time at the JC, but I couldn't resist this.

The Telegraph reports
that Daniel Radcliffe is following in the footsteps of his Jewish poetic forefathers like Allen Ginsberg and Isaac Rosenberg by pouring out his little teenage heart into poetry for cult mag 'Rubbish'.

But Radcliffe decided to keep his anonymity by using the distinctly kosher pen name Jacob Gershon, a combination of his middle name and the Jewish version of his mother's maiden name, Gresham.

The verses are about infidelity, Pop Idol and Kate Moss’ former boyfriend- singer Pete Doherty.