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Plenty of Charedim are furious at the Covid rulebreakers

Jonathan Freedland explores the roots of the problem

January 28, 2021 15:39
LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 08: A billboard thank NHS staff in Stamford Hill on the evening of the Jewish holiday of Passover on April 8, 2020 in London, England. The Jewish community is preparing to celebrate Passover amid COVID-19 home isolation and social distancing measures. (Photo by Hollie Adams/Getty Images)
3 min read

I get defensive when people start badmouthing the ultra-Orthodox. Perhaps we all do if the one doing the badmouthing is not Jewish, but I feel a similar impulse even if the critic is a fellow Jew. Maybe it’s because my mother’s father was himself a Chasid, a follower of the Gerrer rebbe. Perhaps it’s because, for related reasons, my mother often indulged the strictly-Orthodox, overlooking their blind spots, forgiving their failings. Or maybe it’s because I have, buried somewhere deep, that guilt-tinged deference to the Charedim, that vicarious sense that we rely on them to preserve the customs and rules, the dialect and tunes, of our ancestors that, left to us, would have died out long ago.

Whatever the explanation, I hesitate to join those who too readily denounce Charedim for the oddness of their practices, their clannishness, their refusal to fit in — a charge sheet that can sound uncomfortably close to the one levelled at Jews by antisemites.

But it’s getting harder. Last week police broke up a wedding attended by 400 guests, held at the Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls School in Stamford Hill. The school insists it had no idea its premises were to be used this way, and the organiser now faces a £10,000 fine. Meanwhile, the JC reports this week the scene at a kosher supermarket in the same neighbourhood, watching “hundreds of customers and several staff members entering the premises without wearing protective masks and failing to observe social distancing rules.”

For those who live, as I do, in N16, none of this is too surprising. You only have to walk around to see that, in many if not most places, ultra-Orthodox life goes on as if there were no pandemic. The synagogues, shteibels and yeshivas are open; young men bustle past on their way to morning prayer; the minibuses ferry kids to and from school.