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Please stop applauding Labour for the bare minimum

Too many in our community are pathetically grateful Labour is now obeying the law

September 30, 2021 13:26
4 min read

I really don’t want to be a party pooper. I too would love to be tearfully joyous, wondrously ecstatic that Labour – the organisation that styles itself as the anti-racist party - is no longer run by antisemites and that Dame Louise Ellman has re-joined. But I feel like the person standing in the corner wondering what magic drink people have imbibed and why they didn’t offer me any.

Yes, of course I am happy that Corbyn and the worst of the antisemitic cranks have been relegated to the fringes and are slowly – so slowly – being ejected. But how did we ever get to the point where we are pathetically grateful that they are doing the thing they are meant to do? And they aren’t even doing it that well.

The return of Ellman, heralded during Starmer’s conference speech, which some of my friends got all gooey and emotional about, left me rather nauseous, I am sorry to say.

I’m pleased she feels things have changed enough for her to go back. But that all those MPs who had not only ignored antisemitism in their party but, in some cases, actively perpetuated the ‘smear’ line, were suddenly giving her a standing ovation genuinely turned my stomach. It was gaslighting – they were pretending that they weren’t guilty.