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Michael Freedland

ByMichael Freedland, Michael Freedland


Perils of in-flight hechshers

January 17, 2011 12:27
2 min read

These days, when air fares are going up with every yard that a plane rises into the deep blue yonder, there is one boast that the airlines still love to make: "If you have a dietary requirement, we'll meet it. Vegetarian? We'll get it. Gluten? Of course. Halal? Salaam, if not salami. Kosher? Absolutely."

That is, they'll absolutely put it down in their records. But actually getting a piece of kosher meat on a tray is a matter frequently laden with difficulty.

Airline files are replete with letters I have written complaining about not having received what I ordered. There is, however, one thing worse than not getting an airline kosher meal. And that is… getting it.

There are strict kashrut requirements, of course. For one thing, there has to be precisely enough plastic around it all to guarantee that, although you are generally served before everyone else, you do not finally open the package until your fellow flyers have finished theirs.