
Our fight to change the NUS

October 23, 2014 10:35
1 min read

Last week student politics took a worrying turn. Goldsmiths students union rejected a motion which called to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day. It also became apparent that the National Union of Students had rejected a call to condemn ISIS, and the far-right group National Action made another campus appearance, this time at Warwick.

The hypocrisy of the NUS in refusing to condemn ISIS on grounds that such a move could be seen as Islamophobic, but permitting a BDS policy to pass even when told by Jewish students that it can lead to antisemitism is a prime example of a movement which fluctuates according to who is saying what.

The debate is governed by the nuances among a group of NUS leaders who are ignorant of the complexities of the issues.

So this leaves us where? Well, not by withdrawing from student unions and throwing our hands up in disgust. Get involved with your students unions, become an NUS delegate. We fight, like we always have.