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Original Art for Original Interiors

March 2, 2010 20:58
1 min read

After a really busy January, February seemed quite chilled in a ‘hands on brushes’ kinda way.

I created a concept for Duncan Bannantyne and James Caan which will be shown to them in mid march – so expect some pics of my paintings shortly.

I also attended a great Art Workshop held by an amazing artist called Pip Seymour who taught me about various techniques I can use on my paintings to add more texture and life.

Exhibition wise - I am showcasing some of my work at the SEED ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ supper quiz for around 300 people to see. Seed are a charity that aims to enthuse and educate Jewish families. They really loved my artwork and have offered me the chance to show off some of my other pieces.