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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


Oooh, an election. Yawn. Gimme the policies!

September 24, 2007 24:00
1 min read

I'm back: Yom Kippur is over, I have eaten (too much) and it's pouring - so it's time to resume posting.

I can't make up my mind if I am excited by the prospect of being on the other side of the world if there is indeed an autumn election (we'll be honeymooning in Australia) or frustrated that I'll be away from the action.

I was away for much of the 2001 campaign and can't say I regretted it. Given that I am a political obsessive, I have a strange attitude to elections. They are supposed to set the pulses racing and all that. But I find them dull. (Don't get me wrong - the act of putting an X in the ballot box is still thrilling and, in its way, moving, given how lucky we are to live in a free society.) The campaigning is so puerile and the set piece interviews so formulaic, I just metaphorically close my eyes for the duration of the campaigns and will them to be over asap. And I positively loath the election-night parties that one gets invited too. I now just stay at home and have fun flicking over the channels all night.