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One stupid tweet by Owen Jones confirms all you need to know about the hard left

In his cynical hypocrisy, the Corbynite cheerleader confirms all we know about the hard left

May 4, 2020 08:34
owenjones tweet.jpg
2 min read

It seems I have been outed.

For the past 4 and a half years, I've spent most of my waking hours thinking about Labour antisemitism and Jeremy Corbyn. I've exposed it, I've attacked it and I've vilified it. But here's the catch. In order to do all of that, I've had to read it. I've spent hour upon hour reading the writings of antisemites. I've read the tweets, the Facebook posts, the articles, the books. 

Now the truth is out. I have given the game away. Far from being an opponent of Labour antisemitism, I've secretly got a soft spot for it. I must have, you see. Because I've been reading it.

Last night, erstwhile Corbyn cheerleader Owen Jones posted this on Twitter: