So I guess I must now be an Olympics addict. The two mainstream sports which bore me most are cycling and swimming (yes, even more than tennis). And yet I have been thrilled by the success of Nicole Cooke and Rebecca Adlington. I suppose I'll even watch Andy Murray when he starts his pursuit of Olympics gold.
Mind you, there's been one aspect of the Olympics - or rather of the BBC's coverage of it - which has enraged me. So far I've heard three commentators say a variation on the theme of: 'That'll keep the critics of the London games quiet'.
No it won't. Those of us who are appalled that London won, and that we are going to have to fork out billions of pounds to stage the games, are not anti-sport, let alone anti-Olympics. We just want someone else to have the dubious honour of paying for it.
(I'm being flippant. There's a serious argument to be had about the cost of the games and how and by whom it should be funded).