Melanie Phillips

ByMelanie Phillips, Melanie Phillips


Obama is in la-la land over Iran

October 3, 2013 13:43
2 min read

Everyone is acting precisely according to the script. The fanatical Ayatollah Khamanei, the sole real power in Iran, has manoeuvred the West into the end-game.

Just as foretold, his cipher, the new Iranian president Hassan Rouhani, has presented himself falsely as the voice of moderation.

Also just as foretold, Western leaders and media have swallowed this pretence as true. The US is talking to Iran for the first time since the 1979 Iranian revolution. President Obama is presenting this as a breakthrough for diplomacy and peace.

The reality, since the absence of dialogue is because the Iranian regime has been waging war against the West for more than three decades, is that talking to this unreformed terror outfit is an act of surrender. Iran, moreover, can rely on the Western media to parrot its propaganda and mislead the public.

Thus Rouhani was reported as having reversed the regime’s record of Holocaust denial. In fact, he did nothing of the kind; as Iranian sources revealed, CNN and other US media mistranslated his remarks, which had carefully sidestepped the issue.

The Western media will mislead the public on Iran

Indeed, it was beyond belief that Rouhani could have acknowledged the attempted genocide of the Jews. Holocaust denial is not only the signature motif of visceral Jew-hatred, but also of a second such attempted genocide to which the Iranian regime is indissolubly wedded.

Rouhani was a founder of the Iranian Islamic revolution and is a declared Israel-hater. To think such a person can suddenly become “moderate” is fundamentally to misunderstand the derangement of the mind which constitutes Jew-hatred.

This does not mean the regime isn’t cunning. Indeed, it has a sophisticated strategic grasp second to none. And it has now got the West just where it wants it.

The purpose of Rouhani’s “charm offensive” in New York was to pretend Iran’s nuclear programme is designed solely for peaceful civil purposes.

As the International Atomic Energy Authority and others have indicated, this is clearly untrue. The nature of Iran’s uranium enrichment programme only makes sense if it is intended to manufacture nuclear weapons — not to mention Iran’s pursuit of nuclear warheads for ballistic missiles, which are a bit of a giveaway.

What the regime needs above all is time to reach its nuclear threshold. Obama has already bestowed upon it that priceless gift. Now, his proposed dialogue with Iran means he will give it yet more time.

Behind Netanyahu’s diplomatic demeanour in the US earlier this week, Israeli anxiety is clearly visible. Shortly before Bibi went to Washington, Israel revealed it had arrested a businessman of Iranian descent for spying on Israel and gathering intelligence on possible terrorism targets — including the US embassy.

This was thought to be a warning to the US that Iran speaks with forked tongue. If so, the crudity of such a manoeuvre suggests a measure of desperation in Jerusalem.

Who can be surprised? Responsibility for stopping the Iranian genocide bomb rests with Obama — the man who helped put the Muslim Brotherhood into power in Egypt; the man who draws a moral equivalence between Israel and its Palestinian aggressors; and the man who is manufacturing an utterly spurious linkage between the Iranian nuclear threat and the Palestinian issue, presumably so he can blame Israel when Iran gets the bomb on his watch.

Obama is Chamberlain at Munich saying to Netanyahu: “Trust me, this time I know this really will work”. But Obama is in la-la land, and Israel risks paying the ultimate existential price.