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Now bring on a frank and open exchange of views — this report should be the beginning of a story

This Commission is Mercury, not Apollo, says Stephen Bush

April 22, 2021 10:57
Black history month celebration of diversity and African culture pride as a multi cultural celebration.
2 min read

This Commission is Mercury, not Apollo. The aim of NASA’s Apollo missions was to put a man on the moon, and preferably to do it before the Soviet Union managed it. But the aim of the Mercury missions in the late Fifties and early Sixties was simpler: to send a manned rocket into near-Earth orbit and get it back again safely. (And this time, without sending a luckless dog or chimpanzee to a lonely death in the upper atmosphere first.)

When the Board of Deputies asked me to chair the Commission on Racial Inclusivity within our community, they were doing something unprecedented. No ethnic minority community in the UK has ever looked within itself in this manner before, and nor, to our knowledge, has any community in the diaspora. That meant that we were in a sense having to build the rocket as we flew it: and my priority, always, has been to produce tangible, deliverable recommendations that we can do ourselves as a community, including by groups that are dependent on volunteers, rather than ones that required an extensive campaign to change British law.

But while it was a challenge, it was certainly the right thing to do, and the report’s release on this year’s Stephen Lawrence Day, and in the week that George Floyd’s murderer has been found guilty, feels particularly poignant.

And while there are a lot of recommendations – almost 120, in fact – and I don’t expect that anyone will or should necessarily agree with all of them, I do honestly believe that there is something for everyone in there.