Oh dear. This looks fun, I thought: [W]hat’s your birth opera? Or, in other words, which opera (and cast, if applicable) was the Met performing on the day you were born? (You get this information, of course, from the Met Archives Database.) I was hoping it would be Figaro, Don Giovanni, Rosenkavlier, Carmen or some Verdi. Something good, anyway.
It turns out to quite the most boring, overrated opera in the repertory (well, the second most boring, overrated opera - Pelleas is the run away winner of that accolade):
Hoffmann................Nicolai Gedda
Olympia.................Jeanette Scovotti
Giulietta...............Biserka Cvejic
Antonia.................Lucine Amara
Stella..................Sally Brayley
Lindorf.................William Dooley
Coppelius...............William Dooley
Dappertutto.............William Dooley
Dr. Miracle.............William Dooley
Nicklausse..............Janis Martin
Andres..................Andrea Velis
Cochenille..............Andrea Velis
Pitichinaccio...........Andrea Velis
Frantz..................Andrea Velis
Luther..................Louis Sgarro
Nathanael...............Arthur Graham
Hermann.................Russell Christopher
Spalanzani..............Paul Franke
Schlemil................Clifford Harvuot
Crespel.................John Macurdy
Mother's Voice..........Gladys Kriese
Conductor...............Silvio Varviso
Production..............Cyril Ritchard
Designer................Rolf Gerard
Choreographer...........Cyril Ritchard [Debut]