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Not all Israeli men are like The Tinder Swindler

"What are you looking for?" is the all too typical opening gambit

February 17, 2022 15:30
A young attractive man is looking for a couple in an online Dating app. Search for love on Internet. a man is looking for a guy. All screen graphics are made up
4 min read

The Tinder Swindler has hit Netflix and here in Israel was immediately second in the Top 10 in Israel Today chart, right behind sci-fi thriller Manifest, which has been keeping rain-shy and quarantined Israelis busy since 1 January.

Its arrival coincided with the second day of my own isolation at the hands of Omicron, so I immediately started watching – I needed something to cheer me up. Sadly, this was not it.

The documentary tells the appalling tale of Simon Hayut, a young Israeli man who repeatedly used dating app Tinder (and a slew of fake names) to match with attractive young women, only to swindle them out of huge sums of money. It’s estimated that Hayut stole $10m from women who were unfortunate enough to fall for his deliberately manipulative, criminal ways.

As someone who’s been using Tinder in Tel Aviv intermittently since I moved here, I’ve now been asked by several Netflix watching friends back home if Hayut is representative of the men I’ve matched with on the dating app.