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No Credit for desecrating G-d's Name

April 14, 2010 11:09
5 min read

There is a saying of our Sages that there is no credit for desecration of G-d's name, meaning that for one who does so, retribution is swift if not immediate - as opposed to 'credit', where accounts accumulate and are repaid at a future date.

It is amazing to see how this adage would appear to have been applied to those chiefly responsible for the destruction of Gush Katif and subsequent withdrawal from Gaza a few years ago, in which 21 settlements were razed to the ground, 8,000-10,000 settlers were made homeless (most still living in temporary 'ersatz' accommodations), their lives ruined, and their land given over to the Hamas terrorists. This paved the way to the incessant shelling of Sderot and surrounding villages, resulting in the IDF's 'Operation Cast Lead' in and around Gaza, from which one Goldstein found full-time occupation for a number of months, his report doing little to enhance Israel’s image in the world.

Let's see who were those chiefly responsible for this:

Moshe Katzav - President of the State of Israel
Ariel Sharon - Prime Minister
Ehud Olmert - Deputy PM
Haim Ramon - Deputy PM
Dan Halutz - IDF Chief of Staff
Mosha Karadi - Chief of Police