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Jan Shure

ByJan Shure, Jan Shure


No copy cats, just coincidence...

October 1, 2011 15:18
Copy of jancyn 0035
1 min read

There’s been weird stuff going on between The Times fashion pages and The JC fashion pages… cue X Files music.

Last Saturday, September 24, the Times carried a fashion story about impossibly high shoes, and how the fashion pack refused to give them up. Under the headline “The fashion pack is really not over heels” new fashion editor Laura Craik wrote about “taxi shoes”, how the fashion editors and top fashion bloggers were clinging on to their impossibly high heels and how this was fine if you had a car waiting to transport you between runway shows, but not so great if you were a real person having to occasionally walk or run…

Observant readers (and I am not talking religiously observant here) may have spotted that the most recent edition of the JC, September 30, which came out on Wednesday – two days early because of Rosh Hashanah – also contained a story about shoes, how the fashion pack were wearing “taxi shoes” with impossibly high heels, and how this worked if you “had a limo purring” at the kerb, but not so much if you were a real woman who needed to walk, etc.

To the casual observer it might have appeared that the JC had borrowed liberally from The Times story, except that the JC fashion pages containing the shoe story were completed on Thursday September 22, two days before the Times piece.