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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


No atoning for me this week

September 10, 2007 24:00
1 min read

I agree completely with Mr Editor about Knocked Up. But let me tell you that, in its own way, Superbad, which is opening in the UK soon, is even better. It's funnier, and its take on gender relations and teen angst is piercingly true.

There was a very silly piece by Joe Queenan last week which argued that Judd Apatow's films are "offensive, misogynist nonsense":

It's leading to a future so dark that women will look back on the decade that brought them The Runaway Bride, Notting Hill, My Best Friend's Wedding and My Big Fat Greek Wedding as a golden age.
Rachel Cooke put the man in his place:
Knocked Up is lots of things - too long, too light on laughs, self-indulgent and sentimental in places - but it is not misogynistic. If Queenan et al want to know what 21st-century movie misogyny looks like, they should catch Julian Gilbey's Essex gangster flick Rise of the Footsoldier, which is the kind of violent and disgusting film that it's worth getting angry about. This is not, however, to suggest that, beside it, Knocked Up is ignorable misogyny-lite.